Monday, June 13, 2011

Critique: Remix

As we hold our first critique, I want to lay out a few guidelines:
  1. Critique requires honest and considerate feedback. Everyone here comes with a different degree of experience with the software in use and with art in general. While it is important to be understanding of these differences, it is also important to share ideas about how a work might fall short or fail. Aside from having a teacher to guide you, this is what you are paying for in an art class: the feedback of your peers in an environment where failure is OK!!!
  2. Provide specific and qualified response: "I like this because" and "I don't think this works because". Sometimes these specifics are elusive, but when you learn to recognize and discuss them, then you are truly learning about art and to be an artist. You will become more able in making judgments about your own work, as you work.
  3. Let's focus on several points given in the original assignment text:
  • What message is conveyed?
  • Discuss the work's conceptual strength - is the message interesting?
  • Is there a believable sense of space?
  • Discuss the visual coherence of the image.
  • What works?
  • What doesn't?

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