Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Digital Remix Project

"The fact that the digital medium allows for the seamless reconstruction and manipulation of reality seems to have heightened the awareness of the questionable nature of the authenticity of all images." 
 Christiane Paul

Main Idea:
We will create a visual remix by combining multiple images to build an alternate sense of reality. Use at least 3 scans at 300 ppi, combined with at least 2 of your classmates’ scans, and at least 2 appropriated images from Wikimedia Commons or some other legal image source (HIGH RESOLUTION!!). You may also include Digital Photographs in the construction of your image. You may cut up all images and manipulate them beyond recognition if it serves you purposes.

Create a Digital Collage that explores the Concept of Fabricated Reality in Contemporary Society.

· You must create a believable sense of space in your image. Part of developing strong image is drawing your viewer in. If the image appears falsely constructed, or flat, it looses effectiveness.

· Create a landscape, room, or other space for the background out of scanned textures.

· As you collage figures or objects into the scene make sure that they are seamlessly placed. They should be in scale, matching the lighting and hue of your background.

· The Document Size of your image is up to you, but you must make this decision early and the maximum Width is 24”.

· Think not only about what would be the most interesting visual solution to the problem, but also about what message might be conveyed by the hybridization you are attempting.

· You should start by making sketches of possible combinations (digital or drawn) in your sketchbook. Analyze the results and choose the groupings that are working best for your intentions. I will meet with you during studio time to help you with this process.

Visual Coherence of Image 25% Conceptual Strength 25%

Sketches/Prelim. Drawings 25% In-class Work Ethic 25%

(*Including all in class activities) (*Putting in the effort to fully develop your ideas)

1 comment:

  1. Veteran care package site
    DMVA magazine
    Hot cars
    Children story telling site
    Weird art in history
